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Recent Activities Completed

a poster for a virtual virtual health center
a poster for a virtual virtual health center
Completed Online Lecture

I was honored to be invited by International Society for Fall Protection to talk on the listed topic, online from Singapore, as part of their day-long program of talks by experts in Fall Protection, to an international audience.

Project Highlights

I was happy to be contributing along with other experts. Picture at left shows host Mr. Russell Duren, ASP, introducing me for the lecture.

I essentially repeated the lecture at my invited talk for Auburn University in Alabama, USA, on 24th Oct.

Online lecture for Auburn Univ. in Alabama, USA

By invitation from the McWhorter School of Building Science, Auburn University in Alabama, USA, I have been giving online lectures on construction safety and related topics, to their post-graduate classes.

They have encouraged me to invite those of my contacts who may be interested in attending my lecture.

If you are interested in joining my next lecture he topic at right, please go to my Upcoming Events page.

(CLICK Button below.)

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Online lectures for Auburn Univ. in Alabama, USA

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